Erişen Group is a foreign trade company that carry out import, export, marketing and sales in defense industry, energy, food, industry and textile sectors. Our Company, which is registered in Istanbul and that started its activities in its office in Oran province of Algeria, achieved excellence and real success in the fields where it operates within a short time period in 3 continents. Success and excellence is because our company works in total harmony with the other companies, which it works with. Our company is one of the prestigious companies that makes an indelible impression thanks to the confidence given to the other cooperating companies in either export or import.

Playing a major role in the trade with above and below the Sahara, our company enhanced its trade with South East Asia, Middle East and European countries. Because of the works carried out jointly with foreign trade companies in 3 continents currently, goods are procured under favorable conditions to the companies either making production or carrying out direct sales based on reliable and honest service.